
Head of the School

Srikanta Bedathur
Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore) Data Management, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Natural Language Processing

Joint Faculty

Aaditeshwar Seth
Ph. D. (University of Waterloo) Computer Networks, Social Network Analysis, Information and Communication Technologies for Development
Kolin Paul
Ph.D. (Bengal Engg. College, Calcutta) Affordable Health Care, Embedded Systems
Preeti Ranjan Panda
Ph.D. (University of California at Irvine) Embedded Systems, CAD for VLSI
Vireshwar Kumar
Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Sys, Applied Cryptography, Adversarial ML

Associated Faculty

Aarat P. Kalra
Ph.D. (University of Alberta) Intersection of Biology and Computing
Abhilash Jindal
Ph.D. (Purdue University) Operating Systems, Mobile Systems, Program Analysis
Anoop Chawla
Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) CAD, CAE, Dynamics, Bio-Mechanics, Road safety, Impact and Blast Mechanism
B K Panigrahi
Ph.D.(Sambalpur University) Power Quality, FACTS Devices, Power System Protection, AI Application to Power System
Chetan Arora
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Harshan Jagadeesh
Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Science, Bengluru) Wireless Networks, Coding Theory, Security, Distributed Storage, Information Theory
Huzur Saran
Ph.D. (University of California Berkeley) High Speed Networks, Graph Theory, Algorithms
Kaustubh Beedkar
Ph.D. (University of Mannheim) Database Information Systems
Ph.D. (University of Washington) Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing
Maya Ramanath
Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore) Database and Information Retrieval Techniques for Semantic Web Data Management, Information Extraction and Opinion Mining
Niladri Chatterjee
Ph.D. (University of London) Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence, Reasoning, Statistical Modelling and Semantic Web
P V M Rao
Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Product Design & Realization, Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing
Parag Singla
Ph.D. (University of Washington, Seattle, WA)
Rahul Garg
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Neuroimaging, High Performance Computing
Rahul Narain
Ph.D. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Computer Graphics, Animation, Numerical Simulation
Rajendra Kumar
ph.D. (IIT Kanpur and National University of Singapore) Quantam Computing, Fine-grained Complexity and Ctyptography
Rijurekha Sen
Ph.D. (IIT Bombay) Mobile and Embedded Systems (Hardware Architecture, OS, Sensing, Efficient Processing, Security), Computational Sustainability
Rohan Paul
D.Phil (Oxford University) Human Robot Interaction, Language Grounding, Symbolic Reasoning
Sanjiva Prasad
Ph.D. (Stony Brook Univ.) Medical applications of computing
Smruti Ranjan Sarangi
Ph.D. (University of Illinois) Intelligent Systems, ML- and LLM-based System Design, AR/VR, Cyber-Security
Sorav Bansal
Ph. D. (Stanford Univ.) Operating Systems, Compilers
Subodh Sharma
Ph.D. (University of Utah) Formal Methods, Program Analysis, Concurrent Systems
Sumeet Agarwal
D. Phil. (University of Oxford) ML Complex Networks Sys Biology Evolution and Evolvability Computational Linguistics Cog Sc Public Health Inf
Tarun Mangla
Ph.D. (University of Oxford) Cybersecurity

Adjunct and Visiting Faculty

A K Bhateja
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Biometrics, Biometric Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Algorithms
Anupam Joshi (UMBC)
Ph.D. (Purdue University) Computer security, Artificial intelligence, Mobile computing
Ashish Suri (AIIMS)
M.B.B.S., M.Ch., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S. Neurosurgery, Skull base and cerebrovascular surgery, Endoscopic Neurosurgery, Neuro-Oncology, Epilepsy Surgery
B Chandra (IITD)
Ph.D. (Delhi University) Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analytics
Mahesh Chowdhary (STMicroelectronics)
Ph.D.(The College of William and Mary, Virginia) MEMS sensors, actuators, AI, ML, IoT, location technologies, and Digital Transformation
Manik Verma (Microsoft)
D Phil in Engineering (University of Oxford) Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Computational Advertising
subhash bhalla
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi, India)
Vinod Kathail
Sc.D. (MIT Cambridge, USA) Machine Learning, Parallel Architectures and Compilers, HLS, Embedded Vision

Former SIT Faculty

A K Gosain
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
A P Prathosh
Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore)
Anshul Kumar
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
Ashwini Vaidya
Ph.D. (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Bijendra N Jain
Ph.D. (Stony Brook Univ.)
Deepti Gupta
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
Jay Dhariwal
Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)
Jayaram B
Ph.D. (City University of New York)
M Balakrishnan
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) CAD for VLSI, Computer Architecture
M P Gupta
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
Prem Kumar Kalra
Ph.D. (EPFL, Switzerland) Computer Graphics, 3D Animation
Ramakrishna Ramaswamy
Ph.D. (Princeton University)
S N Maheshwari
Ph.D. (Northwestern Univ.)
Santanu Choudhury
Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)
Saroj Kaushik
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
Subhashis Banerjee
Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore)
Subodh Kumar
Ph.D. (University of North Carolina)
Sumantra Dutta Roy
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
Tapan Kumar Gandhi
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
Vinay Joseph Ribeiro
Ph. D. (Rice University) Computer and Network Security (blockchain, IoT security, Ransomware), Wireless Networks, Indoor positioning and navigation
Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology, IIT Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India
+(91) (11) 2659-6056