
Special Module on Intelligent Information Processing SIV895

Credits: 1

This course will focus on presenting conclave of methods which are being practiced for intelligent computing learning techniques, classification methods, embedding intelligence, neural networks, soft computing and evolutionally methods. Emphasis will also be given on the variety of multidisciplinary applications of such techniques.

Special Module in Human Computer Interface SIV889

Credits: 1

Special module that focuses on research problems of importance in this area from a computational and design perspective. Specific coverage will vary with each offering, and may include project work and design / case studies. Topics for each offering of the course will be separately listed.

Special Module in Computational Neuroscience SIV871

Credits: 1

Special module that focuses on research problems of importance in this area of Neuroscience from a computational perspective. Specific coverage will vary with each offering, and may include project work and design / case studies. Topics for each offering of the course will be separately listed.

Special Module on Media Processing & Communication SIV864

Credits: 1

Communication today has rich multimedia contents. Under the varying bandwidth attention is required for appropriate processing of the media contents satisfying desired quality of service. This course will focus on bringing the two broad areas of multimedia processing and communication together. In media processing fundamental concepts of media processing and compression will be introduced with exposure to current techniques and standards. In communication protocols and algorithms for both wired and wireless networks will be discussed in relation to multimedia communication.

Information and Comm Technologies for Development SIV861

Credits: 1

Notion of appropriate technology; case studies of ICTD projects such as KioskNet, WiLDNet (Wireless Long Distance Networks), AIR (Advanced Interactive Radio), Spoken Web, GRINS (Gramin Radio Inter Networking System), Digital Green; design principles to be kept in mind; evaluation methodologies.

Special Module on eGovernance SIV851

Credits: 1

The contents will attempt to expose students with recent developements on different aspects of e-governance. Specific coverage will vary with each offering and may focus on some particular aspects of e-governance and related issues and accordingly may include appropriate project work and/or case studies as per the emphasis laid out in that offering.

Applications of Computer in Medicines SIV813

Credits: 1

This course will consist of 14 lecture-hours that focus on information and communication technologies (ICT) that are being developed and used in medical education and clinical practice today. Various technologies ranging from computer aided instruction (CAI), simulations, and networked applications at one end to electronic medical records (EMR), telemedicine, and robotic surgery at the other end will be described. The process of research, development, and evaluation in the designing and making of these applications and tools will be detailed. Writing assignments, creative thinking, and interactive discussions will form an integral part of this course.

Special Topics in ICTD SIL861

Credits: 3

This course will focus on state-of-the-art and research problems of importance in ICTD area.

Special Topics in Web Based Computing SIL802

Credits: 3

Content of this course, depending upon the teacher, will be focused on some aspect(s) of web based computing like sematic web, web based distributed computing, search methods, etc.

Special Topics in Multimedia System SIL801

Credits: 3

Content of this course, depending upon the teacher, will be focused on some aspect(s) of multimedia systems like content based retrieval, multimedia communication, compression techniques, speech and audio technology, etc.

Internet Traffic -Measurement, Modeling & Analysis SIL769

Credits: 4

Internet architecture: overview of TCP/IP protocol stack. Mathematics for studying the Internet: Review of basic probability and statistics, analytic modeling approaches. Practical issues in Internet Measurements: Challenges, tools and techniques for measuring performance. Internet Traffic Characterization: Poisson models for Internet traffic, self-similarity in network traffic. Web Performance: workload characterization, caching, content distribution networks. Multimedia Systems: Video-on-Demand, IP-TV, Peer-to-Peer file sharing, Peer-to-Peer Streaming. Social Networks. Network Security.

Networks & System Security SIL765

Credits: 4

The goal of this course is to introduce challenges in securing computer systems and networks. We will discuss various types of vulnerabilities in existing software interfaces, such as buffer overflows, unsafe libc functions, filesystem design issues, etc. We will also discuss modern-day defenses against attacks exploiting these vulnerabilities. In network security, we will discuss security problems in network protocols and routing, such as sniffing, denial of service, viruses, worms, etc. and defenses against them. The course will involve reading research papers on relevant topics, programming assignments, and projects.

Introduction to Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and Smart Contracts SIL763

Credits: 4

This course will focus on the motivation for blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts; ingredients of blockchains P2P networking and cryptographic primitives; Bitcoin blockchain structure; blockchain consensus protocols; mining strategies and attacks; anonymity and traceability; scalability solutions sharding, segregated witness, Lightening network; Ethereum, smart contracts and blockchain as a service; Emerging applications of blockchain.

Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies for Development SIL761

Credits: 4

This course will focus on the following topics: what is social development, introduction to social development initiatives, example of ICTs applied in social development, successes and failures, theories on ICTs leading to development, best practices, cases studies, and evaluation methods. A perspective throughout will be on things to keep in mind when building ICTs for development, than interpreting various initiatives.

Major Project (SIY) SID890

Credits: 36

Objective of the course is to provide an opportunity to the students to work on development/research project in his/her area of specializations as part of M.S. degree.

Minor Project in Information Technology SID880

Credits: 3

Objective of the course is to provide an opportunity to the students to work on developmental/research project in an area which may not necessarily be same as his/her area of research for M.S./Ph.D thesis.

Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology, IIT Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India
+(91) (11) 2659-6056